Sunday, June 23, 2013

Balloon party by KINDERPLAYS

It is not easy to play with mix colors and several themes in one table. But it is my duty to bring pieces together and create a truly unique table setting that my client and her guests will truly appreciate. This is my second project with Cindy. I created her daughter's Vivian; a soft pastels bambi party about two years a go and now she has a new baby sister, Victoria. Cindy is just want one thing in term of hue... colourful. bright, colourful, bold, vibrant colours. For theme? there are balloon, rainbow and bunny. So here below are the realisations for such theme

For I always imagine, at the end of rainbow there is a bowl of gold coins and plenty of rainbow sweet chocolate

If rainbow comes in sticks, it should be colourful and sweet

rainbow sushi

rainbow cakepops

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